Friday, April 22, 2011

A Little Bit Ironic...

I love baskets. Let me emphasize this properly...I really, really, REALLY love baskets! I collect baskets. I buy them at yard sales. I buy them at the Goodwill. I buy them on clearance. I probably have about six baskets in any given room of my house. My mom and grandma had a thing for baskets too...I inherited many baskets.
I like to give baby shower and birthday gifts in baskets rather than bags...who wouldn't rather get a gift in a basket?
So I find it a little bit ironic that on Easter, the one holiday that is categorically a "basket" holiday...I don't use baskets. Our Easter Bunny delivers his goodies in Easter BAGS! The reasoning? Easter baskets are not like normal baskets. Kids these days don't appreciate a good basket so they are drawn to the plastic, tacky baskets. Now don't get me wrong...I am not respector of baskets...but I have to draw the line somewhere. This is to say nothing of the $ involved in purchasing Easter baskets. You can easily spend $10-$15 on a single basket...and children (at least my children) might get a little disappointed if you put nothing in the basket. So since I know that our Easter baskets are not going to last, we do $.99 paper bags.
I hang my head in shame ever so slightly that I dismiss the basket on it's special day...but alas, Easter bags are where it's at in the Ramsey home!!!


Dayne said...

Our kids received their Easter Buckets this year. My thought- the bucket will be a good way to store the millions upon millions of toys that they will collect... Not to mention after the great flood of '11 everything in my home will now be stored in some sort of plastic container this way I will never again have to explain why the toy that Jules got from Wendy's 2yrs ago was destroyed by water.

Bronwynn said...

How did I not know this about you, or notice all your baskets during one of my gazillion visits to your house? I'm slow!

Jenny Ramsey said...

B, not sure how you didn't notice. There are two baskets in my downstairs bathroom alone!

Kelli said...

I love a cute basket myself...although I don't recall ever receiving a gift from you in a basket. Holding out on me, huh? :)