Anyway, Gavin and Caeden have never expressed any interest what so ever in this day. Thus I assumed that this year would be the same...this was a mistake on my part.
My kids came to me last THURSDAY NIGHT and announced to me that they wanted to dress up after all. Mike was working late, the baby was wanting to be held, the house was a mess...sure, I can make costumes. No problem.
We did the best we could and the kids seemed pretty content. Gavin was Greg from "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", Caeden was the wolf from "Peter and the Wolf" and Suzy was Cinderella, "Cinderella".
They were very excited and I thought they looked pretty darn cute. I was especially proud of Caeden's wolf hat because I, Jenny Ramsey, sewed on his wolf ears. That's right, I did it. Go ahead, be impressed, it's okay.